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Author: Jerry

Episode 8 is now Live

Another episode already? You bet! You owe it all to the generous people who are supporting this project.

Today Martin makes himself at home in Mountain Hole, and earns a new nickname from Elena.

Read Episode 8: Wine and Beauty

Episode 9 is on the runway; it just needs one more editing/enriching pass and it will be ready to fly.

Episode 7 Released!

Wow! with a sudden burst of pledges (I can’t thank you enough, everyone), suddenly I’ve got some episodes to release. Episode 7 went live moments ago, and I’ll get Episode 8 road-worthy real soon (it’s almost there…).

All y’all rock.

Read the episode!

Knives Episode 6 Released!

Although still 11ยข away from the fundraising goal for Episode 6, I’m tired of waiting and so I’m sending it out into the world. Our little group will slog into the infected pimple on the face of the Earth known as Mountain Hole. But at least there’s booze there.


Read the episode!

Episodes 6 and 7 ready for release

Episode 7 marks a pretty major departure from the rough-draft version, as ideas are put into the sequence that makes sense, rather than the sequence I thought of them. Mountain Pit (formerly Mountain Forge) represented a lot of missed opportunities in the rough-draft version. We’re going to savor some of the interesting locals before the knives come out again.

And let’s face it, it’s never too soon to meet Elena.

Testing, Testing

Welcome, old friends and new, to Knives. We’re still trying to get the ol’ ducks in a row here, but at least now there are three chapters up. We have a thoroughly unsatisfying PayPal-progress-thermometer-thingie in, and not tested at all. Noble Beta testers, welcome! The god of prepackaged software that falls short of its promise awaits your feedback!

This theme is easy on the eye, is nicely focussed on the reader, and (theoretically) treats phones well. But for reasons beyond my comprehension the version of the site you are looking at behaves slightly differently than the test site I built at first. Specifically, the sidebar with the PayPal crap is not scrolling.

So let me know how things look on your computers and other devices. I’m going to fix up the chapters and post up to chapter five to start with, and see if I can get the kinks worked out of the system.